Monday, 10 March 2014

Question 7 - Looking at my preliminary task , what do I feel I have learnt in the progression from that to my full product?

My photoshop skills have improved as I have practised using tools such as crops and free transform to attempt to reduce the number of stretched images. I also have learnt to try to include much more information on a contents page as I will give an indication of added value and I knew how big my sell lines , page numbers and pull quotes had to be and how to keep them relevant to the genre the audience were interested in .With the success magazine I felt as if I was experimenting with using the conventions of other magazines but with my final product , which was named Chord , I felt a lot more confident with creating the magazine.I was able with my fianl product to introduce a colour scheme that was colourful , but not overpowering and made my masthead as big as possible as I thought it had to be more distinct , as this was a negative part of my college magazine as it was way to small.I also thought that the chord magazine was an improvement because I was alowed to book an area for the photoshoot and make everything more professional.The contents page was also improved because I included an editors note and an overall better colour scheme , which were both common conventions of contents pages that I had looked a t for inspiration.

                       For a Prezi version of this answer click on the following link-Question 7 Prezi

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Question 6- What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During my time working on my magazine design I have learnt to use a number of programs effectively and adjusted to the various tools each uses. Firstly I had to practise learning how to use photoshop as I had very little experience on the program. I slowly learned how to import images and use the rubber to effectively rub out backgrounds that detracted from the models and crop my images so they were not stretched or out of proportion. I learnt how to increase and decrease the size of images and order the layers I had made so that everything fitted in place and was positioned correctly.

Secondly , I started to use indesign to create my double page spread , attempting to adjust and align the columns and create a title for the article that would relate to the story involved.I tried to use the program in order to showcase the typical conventions of this section of a magazine by including pull quotes and a caption next to the large image of my artist.

Thirdly , I begun to start work using Blogger and found out how to access the photos I had taken in the studio onto the program.I used Blogger to track my progress throughout the design of my magazine by including Youtube videos of the type of bands that I wanted to include within my product. I also began to use an Animoto to storyboard how I could distribute my product.

Finally , I had to use cameras in a studio to take photos of my actor in order to make it seem authentic and believable as a magazine you would find on the shelves of a supermarket or shop. I managed to control the amount of lighting when capturing the images , so it didnt look to light or dark.

Click here to view my PINTEREST technologies board

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Question 5 -How did I attract/address my audience?

As you can see , in screenshot 1 , I attracted my audience by including younger bands and artists which my target age group could relate to. The red sell lines still 4 are written in capitals to interest the audience further and highlight a key band or artist that they will recognise. The pull quote from the artist , in screenshot 2, featured on the cover helps to entice the audience and make them curious about what the artists personal opinions or views.In the third image , the cover is comprised of elements that were both appropriate for my genre and the audience due to use of colour and representation of the smart well dressed , confident individual , making the audience aspire to be more like them .

screenshot 3 
screenshot 1
screenshot 4
screenshot 2

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Question 4- Who would be the audience for my media product?

My audience are mainly males aged aged sixteen to thirty that have a low amount of disposable income and enjoy listening to Indie music .They may spend their time studying at college or going out with friends.They may spend their money on tracks available from iTunes , so it may be an idea to incorporate this with the magazine as I could include vouchers for competitions prizes for example.They may enjoy using recent technology so I could try to possibly make a free website that will widen the popularity of the brand.I think they would like to read my magazine as it will be cheaper than most music magazines , priced at 1.99 , so it will not be over priced and will interest their music tastes with the bands they are most interested in.

For my Survey monkey questionnaire on audience Click here

Additionally , to gather some results , I designed a questionnaire on Survey monkey in order to get some unique opinions on music magazines in general.I attempted to find out why music magazines are still very popular and who would want to read Chord, the project  I am making. Above is the link the link and below are some screenshots of the survey:

This graph proves that my results are fair as an equal amount of males and females have answered the questions.

This graph reveals that there is still a huge interest in mainstream pop music , mainly because it is the most accessible to the audience.

This graph proves that most people would not buy a music magazine out of their own accord and if they did they were not willing to pay a large ammount.

Overwhelmingly , This is proof that competitions do not interest the general audience , so I will not be including many in my indie magazine.

Finally , most people think that technology is not affecting sales of music magazines . I disagree with this as there is a growing amount of websites , social media and apps that have reduced the need to buy a shelf bought magazine.

 To get more responses I linked survey Monkey with Facebook and I think that this made the survey more successful: