My audience are mainly males aged aged sixteen to thirty that have a low amount of disposable income and enjoy listening to Indie music .They may spend their time studying at college or going out with friends.They may spend their money on tracks available from iTunes , so it may be an idea to incorporate this with the magazine as I could include vouchers for competitions prizes for example.They may enjoy using recent technology so I could try to possibly make a free website that will widen the popularity of the brand.I think they would like to read my magazine as it will be cheaper than most music magazines , priced at 1.99 , so it will not be over priced and will interest their music tastes with the bands they are most interested in.
For my Survey monkey questionnaire on audience Click here
Additionally , to gather some results , I designed a questionnaire on Survey monkey in order to get some unique opinions on music magazines in general.I attempted to find out why music magazines are still very popular and who would want to read Chord, the project I am making. Above is the link the link and below are some screenshots of the survey:
This graph proves that my results are fair as an equal amount of males and females have answered the questions. |
This graph reveals that there is still a huge interest in mainstream pop music , mainly because it is the most accessible to the audience. |
This graph proves that most people would not buy a music magazine out of their own accord and if they did they were not willing to pay a large ammount. |
Overwhelmingly , This is proof that competitions do not interest the general audience , so I will not be including many in my indie magazine. |
Finally , most people think that technology is not affecting sales of music magazines . I disagree with this as there is a growing amount of websites , social media and apps that have reduced the need to buy a shelf bought magazine. |
To get more responses I linked survey Monkey with Facebook and I think that this made the survey more successful:
Could you possibly include any images to go with this - they dont have to be original - you could use downloaded images to demonstrate who your target audience is.