Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Music magazine contents analysis

My three contents pages with analysis:

I like this contents page because the page numbers are bold, so it is easy for a reader o navigate to a specific page or article. The date is underneath so we can tell when the magazine was published and when it the information was relevant. There is a subscription in the bottom right corner advertising the magazine and helping to increase sales figures.It allows the reader to access the magazine in various ways of their choice. On the other hand I am not to endeared by it because their is a lack of order and only a few pages are listed making it difficult to jump straight to a review or feature. I like the way it has lots of images as it improves the visual aspect and  improves the professional look the magazine has.

I prefer the Q magazine contents as opposed to NME because I find the red , white and black colour scheme blends much better and helps to categorise the different articles in a better way. The issue number is displayed at the top in small font as it is not too important for the reader, whereas the features are bigger and in black lettering down the side as they are a lot more interesting to the audience. There are bands names highlighted to tempt the readers in and a small description underneath revealing more information for people who spend longer looking at the contents than others who are in a rush and want the information fast.

I dont like this contents page as it is in a very dull colour scheme that does nothing to catch the attention of a explorer who maybe wants to try the genre. They will be instantly turned away from the genre although I do like it how there is a different sections so I know what is inside.The editors message is a nice personal touch that makes the reader feel as if they are cared about . The website is at the top right so people can become part of a community of fans of the magazine and the summary of reviews is an improvement over NME that does not mention the artists they are going to comment on. The pictures prevent the magazine from becoming bland and at least provoke some interest.

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