As media studies : Front cover analysis
Masthead is situated in the left hand corner in a bold red colour and is in written in a capital letter to make it seem important and creates the magazines identity and make it stand out in a newsagent. It appeals to me because it seems as if the artist used on the centre image is releasing his passion for rock and
connotes that he is ready to make powerful music that cannot be
contained. The red pull quote of "this will kill me"connotes that he is willing to die for what he loves to do and I like the use
of orange with the normal colours as it attracts me to the magazine and makes me aware that the genre is not something
like pop or classical music.
I thought this cover was very unique as the black and white colour scheme indicates that this is an artist who enjoys making early music from the sixties or seventies and it goes well with the red and yellow that is very different from the style used in the centre image. The images in the top left are super imposed creating a collage effect that makes the pictures look like photographs. The name Noel Gallagher is highlighted to provoke interest from a nostalgic older audience that enjoyed music from the era and leaves them hunger to listen to the new acts music. I know that this is traditional music from the cover line"0% alcohol 100% for real".
The last cover aims to portray Take That as people who enjoy having fun and create a make
the audience change their perception of them. The cover line "back for good" is a pun that links in with the bands music and provoke a reaction from the audience,making them wonder what the future hold for them. They appear to be acting like a younger group of people as their smiles connote that they don't take themselves too seriously and the phrase "world exclusive"hints that it has never before seen content inside of it and leaves a dedicated fan or music fans in general wanting to be among the first people to read the article.