Sunday, 29 September 2013

Pinterest Indie magazine board

Follow the link below to go to a pinterest board that includes lots of my research into the genre. It helped me make a collage of ideas when creating my own product-
          Pinterest Indie magazine board

A screenshot of my Pinterest indie board

Sunday, 22 September 2013

research into genre

Before I chosen the indie genre for my magazine , I had a difficult decision to make in which style of music I wanted to cover as I am interested in pop , rock and more. I decided to browse websites online of existing magazines and see if they inspired me to focus on that particular genre. I also had  look on you tube's music section as a way to help me to choose. Below are some of the videos and websites that I researched- - As I had some interest in rock , I read some of the articles of this magazine , but ultimately I thought that my knowledge was not strong enough to create a full magazine. - I initially considered making a magazine similar to Mix mag , but decided against this idea as I wanted to stretch myself , having made a dance magazine previously at school.

NME TV advert- This video below is promoting the release of NMETV , and inspired me to make a magazine that I similar as I too wanted to focus on new and upcoming artists.

Mixmag video -Despite not choosing to create a dance magazine , Mixmag's YouTube service inspired me because it is one of the best at promoting the magazine. It is s a big improvement over NME or Qs Youtube coverage , which is lacking .

Double page spread analysis

Pull quote creates interest for the reader and encourages them to read the article start,directing your eye to it as it stands out.Red caption supports the image and informs the reader about the artists further.
Images help to make the article more visually appealing that shows that they are passionate about  music because of the serious  expressions on their faces.                                                                                                                   
 The title lures and draws the reader in with its unique style that looks like newspaper cuttings
Large letter at the start of the article helps navigate them to the beginning.The artists clothes are not typical of musicians to wear so she is trying to be different and standout from other similar artists.                                           
Large letter the beginning emphases the beginning of the article and it directs your eye to the start.

This double page spread is clever because it uses a bland background to help your attention focus on the artist to connote she is one of a kind and different to others. The title "got the love" uses a pun to link with the music of the artist and help it to remain focused on her and stay straight to the point. I do not like the way the columns are positioned as they look untidy seems to be all over the place. The large letter that starts of the article is large and bold , so we can quickly find the beginning of the text.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Music magazine contents analysis

My three contents pages with analysis:

I like this contents page because the page numbers are bold, so it is easy for a reader o navigate to a specific page or article. The date is underneath so we can tell when the magazine was published and when it the information was relevant. There is a subscription in the bottom right corner advertising the magazine and helping to increase sales figures.It allows the reader to access the magazine in various ways of their choice. On the other hand I am not to endeared by it because their is a lack of order and only a few pages are listed making it difficult to jump straight to a review or feature. I like the way it has lots of images as it improves the visual aspect and  improves the professional look the magazine has.

I prefer the Q magazine contents as opposed to NME because I find the red , white and black colour scheme blends much better and helps to categorise the different articles in a better way. The issue number is displayed at the top in small font as it is not too important for the reader, whereas the features are bigger and in black lettering down the side as they are a lot more interesting to the audience. There are bands names highlighted to tempt the readers in and a small description underneath revealing more information for people who spend longer looking at the contents than others who are in a rush and want the information fast.

I dont like this contents page as it is in a very dull colour scheme that does nothing to catch the attention of a explorer who maybe wants to try the genre. They will be instantly turned away from the genre although I do like it how there is a different sections so I know what is inside.The editors message is a nice personal touch that makes the reader feel as if they are cared about . The website is at the top right so people can become part of a community of fans of the magazine and the summary of reviews is an improvement over NME that does not mention the artists they are going to comment on. The pictures prevent the magazine from becoming bland and at least provoke some interest.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Music magazine cover analysis

As media studies : Front cover analysis

Masthead is situated in the left hand corner in a bold red colour and is in  written in a capital letter to make it seem important and creates the magazines identity and make it stand out in a newsagent. It appeals to me because it seems as if the artist used on the centre image is releasing his passion for rock and
connotes that he is ready to make powerful music that cannot be
contained. The red pull quote of "this will kill me"connotes that he is willing to die for what he loves to do and I like the use
of orange with the normal colours as it attracts me to the magazine and makes me aware that the genre is not something
like pop or classical music.

I thought this cover was very unique as the black and white colour scheme indicates that this is an artist who enjoys making early music from the sixties or seventies and it goes well with the red and yellow that is very different from the style used in the centre image. The images in the top left are super imposed creating a collage effect that makes the pictures look like photographs. The name Noel Gallagher is highlighted to provoke interest from a nostalgic older audience that enjoyed music from the era and leaves them hunger to listen to the new acts music. I know that this is traditional music from the cover line"0% alcohol 100% for real".

The last cover aims to portray Take That as people who enjoy having fun and create a make
the audience change their perception of them. The cover line "back for good" is a pun that links in with the bands music and provoke a reaction from the audience,making them wonder what the future hold for them. They appear to be acting like a younger group of people as their smiles connote that they don't take themselves too seriously and  the phrase "world exclusive"hints that it has never before seen content inside of it and leaves a dedicated fan or music fans in general wanting to be among the first people to read the article.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Magazine covers knowledge

Today in Media studies I found out why setting up a blog was useful as I can now use it to track my progress and learn more about how to analyse Music magazines more effectively.I learnt some conventions of magazine covers such as how the masthead and font style has a huge impact over the magazine and how we each have our own connotations (interpretations) whilst viewing an image on a cover.I now know that a magazine must stand out as there are over 8000 different types out there and that colours have to match those associated with a particular genre.

                                         Ive also included an animoto of my magazine research:


I have been asked by the AS media course to create a music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. It has to be an original article and the reason for the blog is to track my progress. I need to research these parts of the magazine for friday so I can compare and learn more about them. I want to make a magazine for 17 to 20 year olds who are interested in the indie genre.I think that I will have to consider everything from my masthead font to the representation of my models anyhow I think that this will appeal to them.